Pecan cultivars
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'Edisto' (Nut Photo) Seedling selection from the Edisto River, near Knightsville, in Dorchester County, SC. The original tree grew on topographically high ground, on land that was part of the original homestead of the Knight family, founders of Knightsville, and may have been introduced by native Americans or early settlers. The original tree is between 5 and 6 feet in diameter and approaches 150 ft. in height. Mr. Gregg Knight, in his 80's, noted that nearby trees planted by his grandparents in the late 1870's were in the 2 to 3 foot diameter class. Mr. Anthony Fischinger submitted nuts of the tree for evaluation in 1999, and scions were obtained for grafting in the National Clonal Germplasm Repository. Nut: ovate with obtuse apex and rounded base; round in cross section; shell smooth, with few markings; 91 nuts/lb, 49% kernel; kernels golden, with broad, triangular dorsal ridge, relatively open dorsal grooves, and a prominent basal cleft and ventral groove.

LJ Grauke , Research Horticulturist &Curator
USDA-ARS Pecan Genetics
10200 FM 50
Somerville, TX 77879
fax: 979-272-1401

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