Samples are arranged on blue sweater cloth, around a centimeter scale with color rating chips. Cultivar name, inventory information (orchard, row and tree) and year of sample collection are printed to the left. The shade of blue in the cloth is opposite brown on the color wheel, and offers chromatic contrast. The Munsell color chips are from the Soil Color Series and provide a standard for color correction. For further information concerning the six point USDA pecan kernel color standards, see Thompson, Grauke and Young, J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 121(3):548-553. 1996.
LJ Grauke , Research Horticulturist & Curator
USDA-ARS Pecan Genetics
Route 2 Box 133
Somerville, TX 77879
tele: 409-272-1402
fax: 409-272-1401
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