Carya palmeri

C. palmeri Manning. Mexican Hickory

Carya palmeri is endemic to Mexico and is found in the mountains of Nuevo Leon, Tamaulipas and Vera Cruz (Manning, 1962; Narave­Flores, 1983). It also occurs in San Luis Potosi ("ca. 2 mi. west of Xilitla", Stone 1133, 2 June 1962, Univ. of Texas herbarium)
(distribution map). The tree grows on steep slopes, often in association with C. myristiciformis.

Mexican hickory is superficially similar to C. cordiformis, having
bright yellow buds, smooth, tight, whitish bark on mature trees, and thin shelled (1mm) nuts with bitter, convoluted kernels. It differs from bitternut by having wings on the sutures to the base of the nut (as in C. myristiciformis), and lacks the prominent apex on the nut. Mexican hickory also resembles C. myristiciformis, due to its scale-covered leaves and fruit husks. It is distinguished by those features mentioned above which are similar to bitternut. No cultivars or hybrids of this species have been reported.

LJ Grauke , Research Horticulturist & Curator
USDA-ARS Pecan Genetics
10200 FM 50
Somerville, TX 77879
fax: 979-272-1401
e-mail: ljg@tamu.edu

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